SEO Audit

SEO is a set of activities aimed at adapting a given website in terms of the highest position in search results. It is a complex, multi-threaded process that requires a quick and flexible approach to responding to market trends and changing consumer preferences. What to look for when optimizing websites for search engines?

How to start?

Optimizing websites can not do without several important activities. At the very beginning, it is worth reaching for the bases, giving a solid foundation for the subsequent development of the strategy. Priority should be given to the content on the page, in turn it is worth to take care of its appropriate tags, descriptions of graphics and multimedia, the correct form of URLs or meta descriptions.

And which of these activities should be carried out the first?

The first step is a plan that will take into account all the goals and ways to implement them. One should think about which keywords to focus on, in what context, the page should appear in search engines and determine the type of the potential reader / client. Such detailed and clearly defined criteria allow for the creation of a complete and coherent strategy that guarantees success.



So what changes is worth to introduce in the content?

Optimization of websites and optimization of an online store must be based on good quality, constantly supplemented and most importantly unique content. Regardless of whether the portal is informative or a shop, it should offer content and descriptions that are not available on other websites. Website optimization is also an appropriate division of content into readable categories. Entries should be broad enough to easily contain the necessary keywords and good enough to optimize SEO for tangible results.Let’s say that in Swarzędz, someone runs a shop with sports articles. A similar store is from a nearby Poznań store. Both exhibit articles with descriptions from the producer that have been circulating on the web for months. None of them will have the opportunity to reach a high position because search engines misread content that has already appeared on other websites. It means that only inserting a unique description will drive the store in the search results. In this respect, the optimization of websites in Poznań, Swarzędz or any part of the world will look similar. Of course, you can bet on keywords with greater detail, but at the same time we reduce the number of potential customers who will enter such a query in the search engine (adding to the keyword phrase in Poznań, you limit significantly its scope).

And what is the mentioned optimization of websites for links on other websites?

Linking between individual pages will be the next stage, more advanced and I recommend focusing on it only after refining the content. Of course, linking is very important, but it cannot be considered as the only means of positioning.

So what else should you pay attention to?

Let’s assume you are interested in optimizing the online store from Poznan. When setting content and filling in with keywords, it’s worth remembering about the meta description (which, although it does not affect positioning directly, it will make your site stand out when it hits the list of search results). Page optimization is a complicated process, the implementation of which is possible only in cooperation with the programmer and copywriter.