Social media is the opinion of many the future of marketing and one of the fastest growing communication channels.
Is a key task to run the company fanpage professionaly?
In terms of marketing, it is one of the most important places where you can count on interaction with potential customers or recipients of content. Therefore, you can not treat a fanpage on a social network, only as an advertisement tube. The greatest potential of this type of profiles lies in the ability to build B2C and B2B relations. The quickly answering any queries, propagating content, desirable by customers, contests and efficient neutralization of negative comments (of course, not by deleting them, but trying to solve the problem in the most satisfactory way) are powerful tools that allow you to present your business from the best. Fanpage on Facebook is a minimum. However, it is also worth thinking about other channels, such as Instagram, Pinterest, Google + or YouTube.
How to create a good fanpage on FB?
The technical side of creating this type of profile is very simple, it requires filling only a few details in the form and completing the profile photos. At this level, it is worth thinking about promoting the company’s logo and placing the image in the background attractive enough to attract customers’ attention. It can be a photograph of a prestigious award given to a company, a team of employees, a headquarters or a cult product – it all depends on the nature of the industry in which the given entity operates. How do you set up a fanpage on fb to fulfill your role? Regular (but not overwhelmingly frequent) posting and efficient motivating customers (or potential customers) to ask questions, participate in polls and competitions – generally speaking to create a community around the profile.
How much does it cost to keep an account on Facebook?
From zero euro to even a few thousand per one month it depends what size our actions are have.aCreative,as an experienced social media agency,knows very well that the combination of reliable content publishing and systematic maintaining of contacts with clients,paid advertisements,gives the best results.Therefore, for the beginning, we suggest to make a well thought out profile and then promoting it with paid views.If the content published on it is attractive, Internet users will be happy to let it in. Here comes the time for hard work. The more ecxiting is the content you share, the less expenditure you will have to bear on the promotion.
When is the running of fanpage is free?
If you decide to promote the company only with the help of a classic fanpage, then it won`t cost you anything except of the time devoted to the action. Let’s imagine that the organization, which gathers runners in the Swarzędz and Poznań region, will start a fanpage on Facebook. People who are interested in active spending leisure time will learn about the profile – via social connections on the portal. In a situation where, for example, an organization will promote running competitions in Poznan, it is worth expanding the reach of its posts to the appropriate target group. Ads on Facebook, as well as in search engines, can be sent to a well-defined group of people (eg, fond of sports and healthy lifestyle, living in Swarzędz, Poznań, Września and Gniezno). Social media is a complex topic that is difficult to explain in a few sentences.
I cando it pretty good, but do I have to use FB?
Running Facebook company is a key rtask that should be carried out by a competent person who knows the company very well. Social media is a dynamic space in which responses should be given immediately, and following trends is most desirable.Here is the point of worth relying on specialist knowledge and commissioning, composing, planning and running Facebook fanpage for specialists who will work closely with the marketing department.